Monday, November 7, 2005

Children's book review: In the Dark Cave

In the Dark Cave. Richard Watson, illustrated by Dean Norman. Star Bright Books, New York; 2005. ISBN 1-59572-038-3. 8.5 by 11 inches, 40 pages, softbound. $5.95.

A cute little poem by Red Watson about a cave cricket, a cave rat, and a cave bat. Each stanza faces a cartoon by Dean Norman. The book could easily have been made much smaller without losing anything, but still the price is about as low as any for a book these days. Would be a nice gift for a smallchild.

Monday, November 7, 2005

Children's book review: In the Dark Cave

In the Dark Cave. Richard Watson, illustrated by Dean Norman. Star Bright Books, New York; 2005. ISBN 1-59572-038-3. 8.5 by 11 inches, 40 pages, softbound. $5.95.

A cute little poem by Red Watson about a cave cricket, a cave rat, and a cave bat. Each stanza faces a cartoon by Dean Norman. The book could easily have been made much smaller without losing anything, but still the price is about as low as any for a book these days. Would be a nice gift for a smallchild.